The Fraternal Order of Police is the world’s largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers, with more than 364,000 members in more than 2,100 lodges. We are the voice of those who dedicate their lives to protecting and serving our communities. We are committed to improving the working conditions of law enforcement officers and th
The Fraternal Order of Police is the world’s largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers, with more than 364,000 members in more than 2,100 lodges. We are the voice of those who dedicate their lives to protecting and serving our communities. We are committed to improving the working conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those we serve through education, legislation, information, community involvement and employee representation. No one knows the dangers and the difficulties faced by today’s police officers better than another officer, and no one knows police officers better than the FOP.
We, the law enforcement officers of the United States and of the several states and political subdivisions thereof, as representatives and delegates of state and subordinate lodges, do hereby associate the several lodges we represent and the members thereof for the following purposes:
To support and defend the Constitution of the United States; to inculcate loyalty and allegiance to the United States of America; to promote and foster the enforcement of law and order; to improve the individual and collective proficiency of our members in the performance of their duties; to encourage fraternal, educational, charitable and social activities among law enforcement officers; to advocate and strive for uniform application of the civil service merit system for appointment and promotion; to support the improvement of the standard of living and working conditions of the law enforcement profession through every legal and ethical means available; to create and maintain tradition of esprit de corps insuring fidelity to duty under all conditions and circumstances; to cultivate a spirit of fraternalism and mutual helpfulness among our members and the people we serve; to increase the efficiency of the law enforcement profession and thus more firmly to establish the confidence of the public in the service dedicated to the protection of life and property.
The FOPA is a civilian affiliate of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). Our members are friends and families of law enforcement officers, responsible and respected businesspeople, professional men and women, and citizens from all walks of life — people willing to devote a portion of their time and efforts toward assisting the various law
The FOPA is a civilian affiliate of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). Our members are friends and families of law enforcement officers, responsible and respected businesspeople, professional men and women, and citizens from all walks of life — people willing to devote a portion of their time and efforts toward assisting the various law enforcement agencies of our communities, states and nation.
The FOPA is part of a national organization known as the Grand Lodge Fraternal Order of Police Associates, with local lodges throughout the nation. The GLFOPA is a non-stock charitable corporation as defined by Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Lodges that are members of the GLFOPA are entitled to share the tax-exempt status. Any contributions made to those lodges are tax-exempt. The corporation is a nonpartisan organization without regard to race, creed, color or religious belief.
The FOPA’s interests revolve around law enforcement and the men and women who have dedicated their lives to the protection of ours.
The FOPA actively supports legislation, charitable causes and all law enforcement efforts on a local, state and national level.
The FOPA is an organization formed for the purpose of increasing our understanding of the rights, duties and problems of law enforcement officers; of fostering respect for them; and of bettering conditions under which they serve society. We accomplish this through public relations, as well as legislative and educational efforts. It is our aim and objective to support law enforcement throughout our country in every way possible. We believe that law is the safeguard to freedom, and it is our duty to defend it.
The Grand Lodge Fraternal Order of Police Associates was formed on August 27, 1967; organized on August 10, 1973; incorporated on March 21, 2005; and received its tax-exempt ruling on April 13, 2006.
Nationally, we are a proud corporate sponsor of Easterseals, actively involved in legislation, and supportive of all law enforcement programs.
Associate lodges work to assist their parent lodge. They provide law enforcement agencies with dedicated public support.
Many associate lodges present scholarships to dependents of law enforcement officers and associate members.
Associate lodges donate funds to officers in need or distress, provide funds for various law enforcement needs and youth programs, and present awards to recognize outstanding and dedicated law enforcement officers and associate members.
Associate lodges hold joint social functions enjoyed by members, family and friends.
On July 25, 1953 the Grand Lodge, Fraternal Order of Police met with members of Old Dominion Lodge #1, Roanoke: John Marshall Lodge #2 Richmond and Commodore Lodge #3 Norfolk for the express purpose of VIRGINIA STATE LODGE chartering the Virginia State Lodge Fraternal Order of Police. Little did they know they were the nucleus
On July 25, 1953 the Grand Lodge, Fraternal Order of Police met with members of Old Dominion Lodge #1, Roanoke: John Marshall Lodge #2 Richmond and Commodore Lodge #3 Norfolk for the express purpose of VIRGINIA STATE LODGE chartering the Virginia State Lodge Fraternal Order of Police. Little did they know they were the nucleus of what was to become one of the largest and best organized State Lodges in the nation.
At the July 25 meeting in Richmond, the following interim officers were elected to serve until the First State Conference could be held at John Marshall Lodge #2 on November 20, 1953. President Glen O. Wills, Vice President Claude J. “Bubber” Slaylor, Secretary/Treasurer Thomas A. Conway, Jr., Conductor, George M. Lloyd, Inter Guard Harry W. Vest and Trustees Douglas E. Berry, Beauford J. Webb and Robert T. Millikin. These men continued to serve until Sergeant Robert T. Millikin, Sr. of Richmond Police Department was elected President in 1957 at the F.O.P. Annual meeting in Richmond the slate of officers were: Vice President J.A. Mitchell: Secretary/Treasurer Edward A. Culverhouse: Conductor Glenn O. Wells: Guard W. Vaught: Chaplain, J.C. Brady: and Trustees W.E. Hall and A.L. Winter.
The cost of the First State Lodge meeting and dinner at the Richmond Hotel was $85.50. On January 28, 1955 Robert Millikin and J.O. Clemmons from John Marshall Lodge #2 were given $9.50 to attend a meeting in Roanoke. The first Secretary of the State Lodge was paid $50.00 a year for his services
By 1955, there were Old Dominion Lodge #1, Roanoke; John Marshall Lodge #2, Richmond; Commodore Lodge #3, Norfolk; Henrico County Lodge #4, Sandston; James A. Stone Lodge #5, Fredericksburg (Currently Rappahannock Lodge #15) Henry S. Curtis Lodge #6; Virginia Beach Lodge #7; Princess Anne Lodge #8; South Norfolk Lodge #9. By 1966 there were 17 active lodges.
The 1st State Conference of the Virginia State Lodge was held in Richmond, on November 20, 1953.
The 2nd State Conference was held in Norfolk, Virginia, in July 1957
The 3rd State Conference was held in Roanoke, Virginia in July 1958
The 4th State Conference was held in Richmond, Virginia, in July 1960
The 5th State Conference was held in Virginia Beach, Virginia, in July 1962
The 6th State Conference information is missing.
The 7th Biennial Conference was held in 1966 at Virginia Beach. State officers were President Frank S. Duling; Vice President Sidney Cherry; Secretary Carlton Baird; Assistant to the Secretary Doris Cozart; Treasurer, Alvin Hudson; Conductor, James A. Toler; Guard Warren Fogle; Chaplain, Charles Burton; and Past President Edward A. Culverhouse. The Virginia Police Journal was established at this meeting. Distinguished guests at this conference National President John Harrington, Steven Condes, National Trustee from Pennsylvania and Vice President Charles Gallagher, Vice President of Philadelphia Lodge #5I was also reported that the Legislative Committee had pursued and won passage of legislation that would provide for the state to pay 50% of the cost of tuition for an officer earning an associate or full college degree in law enforcement .
The 8th Biennial Conference was held July of 1969 in Richmond, VA. President was Frank S. Duling.
The 9th Biennial Conference was held in Charlottesville in July of 1970. At this time the state had 26 lodges. The Conference elected the following State Officers: President Sidney Cherry; Vice President Carlton C. Baird; Secretary, Doris Cozart; Treasurer, W. Alvin Hudson; Conductor R. E. Davis: Guard, Douglas C. McCloud; and Chaplain, W.T. McFarland.
The 10th Biennial Conference was held in August 1972 in Roanoke, VA. President Gordon C. Beard; Vice President O.C. Scellato; Secretary, Douglas McCloud; Treasurer, W. Alvin Hudson; Conductor, R.E. Davis; Guard William R. Wood and Chaplain,W.T. McFarland. Southwest Lodge #22 surrendered its charter and Stuart Jackson Lodge #30 and Buena Vista Lodge #31 joined.
The 11th Biennial Conference was held in 1974 in Norfolk. The number of lodges now was 35. President O.C. Scellato; Vice President Lou Rotelli; Secretary, Douglas McCloud; Treasurer, W. Alvin Hudson; Guard James E. Burch; Conductor James A. Gondles; and Chaplain, J.B. Hardison.
The 12th Biennial Conference was held in 1976 at Nova Lodge #35. The past two years had seen the formation of Lodges No. 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42. President Louis P. Rotelli: Vice President, Robert F. Allgor; Secretary, Doris Cozart; Treasurer, W. Alvin Hudson; Conductor J. B. Hardison; Guard Charles B. Jones; and Chaplain, James E. Burch.
The 13th Biennial Conference was held August 9-12, 1978 in Charlottesville. President Robert F. Allgor; Vice President, John F. McGowan; Secretary, Doris Cozart; Treasurer, W. Alvin Hudson; Conductor, Charles B. Jones; Guard, John D. LeMarr, Sr. (J.D.) currently serves on board); Chaplain, William R. Gladden. National Trustee G. Carlton Beard and FBI Director, William Webster addressed the Conference. Anthony Scarangella was elected President of the Associate Lodge. Governor John Dalton signed into law the “Police Officer’s Bill of Rights”.
The 14th Biennial Conference was held in Hampton August 13-16 1980. President Robert E. Walker; Vice President, Gordon C. Baird;Secretary, Robert Vest; Treasurer, Alvin Hudson;Conductor J.D. LeMarr, Sr.: Guard Charles Jones: Chaplain, W.W. Spalding.
The 15th Biennial Conference was held in Roanoke, August 18-21, 1982. President William D. Jobe; Vice President, William T. McFarland; Secretary, Doris Cozart; Treasurer, Gordon C. Baird: Conductor, Charles “Ed” Barnes; Guard, Phillip E. Kersey. The membership had now grown to 4,000. The Conference voted to resolve the following items: Promotion of a legislative study of High Speed Pursuit without restrictions on the police officers. Promotion and passage of Meet & Confer legislation. Inclusion of Deputy Sheriffs in the Law Enforcement Officers Procedural Guarantees, and legislation to limit appeal and review of Capital Murder.
The 16th Biennial Conference was held in Richmond in August of 1984. President George N. Austin, Jr.; Vice President, Donald Cahill; Secretary, Terrance Baer; Treasurer, Gerald J. Bright; Conductor, Bernard McAlea; Guard, J.D. Jamison; Chaplain, William R. Davis. The same year (January 22, 1984) John Marshall Lodge burned to the ground and they lost everything including original charter and a lot of memories. The lodge was the host for the conference and agreed to continue.
The 17th Biennial Conference was held in Fredericksburg August 13-16, 1986. The Incumbent State Executive Board was re-elected.
The 18th Biennial Conference was held at Virginia Beach, August 10-13, 1988. President Gerald J. Bright; Vice President, Donald Cahill; Secretary, Terrance Baer; Treasurer, Larry Nelson; Conductor, Rod Clark; Guard, Garth Wheeler; Chaplain, Murray Trelford.
The 19th Biennial Conference was held in Charlottesville August 15-18, 1990. President, Garth Wheeler; Vice President, Donald Cahill; Secretary, Terrance Baer; Treasurer, Larry Nelson; Conductor, Rod Clark; Guard, Murry Trelford; Chaplain, William Davis.
The State D.M.V authorizes the issuance of license plates with the F.O.P. logo. In 2008 the plate was changed to a revenue sharing plate with $15 of each plate going to the state Chartiable Foundation,
George Austin was elected to the position of Guard on the National Board.
The 20th Biennial Conference was held in Hampton, August 12-15, 1992. President, Garth Wheeler; Vice President, Melvin Jones; Secretary, Terrance Baer; Treasurer, Larry Nelson; Conductor, Donald Cahill; Guard, Dan Blake; Chaplain, Danny McFarland.
In November 1993, the State Lodge observed their 40th Anniversary at the Board of Directors meeting held at the Hyatt Richmond. The Anniversary was celebrated with a dinner and dance. Among the invited guests were the First State Lodge President, Glenn O. Wills, Roanoke, VA, and his family.
The 21st Biennial Conference was held in Fredericksburg, August 9-13,1994. President, Garth Wheeler; Vice President, Don Cahill; Secretary, Terrance Baer; Treasurer, Larry Nelson; Conductor, Frank Mundy; Guard, Dan Blake; Chaplain, Melvin Jones. The Conference approved a full time Executive Director position. The Conference endorsed Oliver North for the U.S. Senate seat.
The 22nd Biennial Conference was held in Lynchburg on August 6-10, 1996. President, Garth Wheeler; Vice President, Don Cahill; Secretary, Thomas Stiles; Treasurer, Larry Nelson; 2nd Vice President, Frank Mundy; Sergeant At Arms, Dan Blake; Chaplain, Kenny Ford.
The 23rd Biennial Conference was held in Richmond, August 1998. President, James S. Gaudet; Vice President, Dan Blake; Secretary, Thomas Stiles; Treasurer, Marty Williams, Second Vice President Michael Alvey, Sergeant at Arms J.D. LeMarr, Chaplin Kenny Ford.
The 24th Biennial Conference was held in Hampton, August 2000. President Dan Blake, vice President, Thomas Stiles, Secretary, Joe Vass, Treasurer, Marty Williams, Second Vice President, Gordon Buckley, Sergeant At Arms, J.D. LeMarr, Chaplain, Kenny Ford.
The 25th Biennial Conference was held in Virginia Beach, Va., August 2002. President Dan Blake, Vice President, Thomas Stiles, Secretary, Tommy Edwards, Treasurer, Marty Williams, Second Vice President, Gordon Buckley, Sergeant At Arms, J.D. LeMarr, Chaplain, Kenny Ford.
The 26th Biennial Conference will be held in Portsmouth, Va., July August 2004. President Thomas E. Stiles, Vice President, Gordon Buckley, Secretary Tommy Edwards, Treasurer, Marty Williams, Second Vice President, Skip Blanchard, Sergeant-At-Arms, Harry Twiford, Chaplain, Kenny Ford.
The 27th Biennial Conference was held in Charlottesville, Va from August 6 -10, 2006. The Executive Board that was elected to serve for two years was, President – Tommy Stiles, Vice President- Tommy Edwards, Secretary – Dave Smith, Treasurer – Marty Williams, 2nd Vice President – Skip Blanchard, Sgt at Arms – Harry Twiford, Chaplain- Scotty Williams. The delegates to the Conference also voted to endorse Senator George Allen for re-election to the U.S. Senate. Senator Allen was the keynote speaker for the awards banquet. FOP Grand Lodge President Chuck Canterberry also attended the Conference.
The 28th Biennial Conference was held in the summer of 2008, hosted by Chesapeake. The new Executive board that was elected was — President, Tommy Edwards;Vice President, Harry Twiford; Secretary, David Smith; Treasurer, Marty Williams; 2nd Vice President, Skip Blanchard; Sgt at Arms, Kevin Carroll; Chaplain, Scottie Williams.
The 29th Biennial Conference was held in Richmond, hosted by Chesterfield and Henrico lodges. The new Executive board that was elected was — President, Marty Williams;Vice President, Scottie Williams; Secretary, David Smith; Treasurer, Skip Blanchard; 2nd Vice President, Kevin Carroll; Sgt at Arms, John Obrnberger; Chaplain, Edward Methany. The delegates heard from Lt. Governor Bill Bolling and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli during the open ceremonies of the conference. We also had a full day of training surrounding the issue of collective bargaining. The next state conference will be held in Dulles, Virginia.
The 30th Biennial Conference was held in Fairfax County, Virginia. The Executive Board was re-elected to serve another two year term. The membership also voted to endorsement George Allen for the US Senate election in November of 2012. The next conference will be held in Williamsbury, Va, in 2014.
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